

About us

AfroClimate is a non-profit organization dedicated to addressing climate change and the essential needs of low-income African communities. Our mission is clear: we scout, enable, and empower entrepreneurs with well-grounded projects that are essential for generating sustainable and equitable futures in African communities.

What sets AfroClimate apart is its pragmatic, hands-on collaborative strategy that revolves around an extensive network of entrepreneurs deeply rooted within these communities. This network leverages their invaluable insights and taps into a global network of professionals from diverse sectors, enabling the implementation of the required actions, media exposure, and essential financial backing for these entrepreneurs. The ultimate goal is to create genuine, practical advantage for African communities in need.

We bridge global expertise with grassroots needs, aligning resources to amplify the impact of social entrepreneurs across Africa. Our vision is to reshape Africa's climate change narrative through evidence-based solutions and support for climate-focused entrepreneurs.

AfroClimate is dedicated to empowering entrepreneurs, maximizing their outputs to create a sustainable and inclusive Africa where climate change impacts are mitigated, and the needs of marginalized communities are met.

Why we are partnering with Hack for Earth:

AfroClimate and Hack for Earth share a common mission to address urgent environmental and societal challenges. By partnering with Hack for Earth we are at the core of our mission, looking for the highest level of entrepreneurship helping Africa in its greenest possible development.

These solutions developed through hackathons and innovation challenges can directly contribute to AfroClimate's efforts to empower entrepreneurs and AfroClimate can help Hack for Earth to channel its innovative solutions toward concrete, on-the-ground initiatives. Both foundations networks are complementary with entrepreneurs, experts, and organizations. This extended network can open doors to potential collaborators, mentors, and sponsors. It can also enrich the participants experience and provide additional resources for Hack for Earth events.

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We contribute with

  • Mentors

  • Statistics/reports

  • Expert sessions
